RTHSM2006-UA-2shake.avi_snapshot_00.25_[2015.10.09_18.13.57] RTHSM2006-UA-2shake.avi_snapshot_00.39_[2015.10.09_18.15.11]
Assaulting and beating a gal by two perverts:

Two young males in black clothes brought a young maiden to the underground that had caught outdoors, having deafened beforehand. They undressed her to negligee and roped, and then threw onto the floor. When the lass regained conscience, they started beating her in an extremely atrocious way. The victim crocked up very soon and then with grin of insaneness they kissed and raped her, demonstrating tenderness and care, and then left her unconscious on the cold floor.
Format: AVi
Size: 15 MB
Duration: 01:58
Resolution: 640×352
Also Known As: O Estrangulador de Los Angeles, The Hillside Strangler, Viaio xespasma
Download File – RTHSM2006-UA-2shake.rar