IGR1976-UA-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_00.46_[2015.05.15_00.20.44] IGR1976-UA-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_00.50_[2015.05.15_00.21.56]
The hubby was watching his wife assaulted by two males:

The quiet evening of the home atmosphere was interrupted by three breakers, among whom there was one woman there. They hit the husband with legs and pointed pistol to the head. They also started to undress the wife, and choking, knocked down on the floor, and having ripped dressing gown and panties, started ravishing together. Holding the husband with pistol pointed to the throat, the maiden made him feast eyes on all that awful process, while two guys were violating his wife.
IGR1976-UA-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_01.29_[2015.05.15_00.20.59] IGR1976-UA-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_01.34_[2015.05.15_00.21.02]
Format: MKV
Size: 80 MB
Duration: 02:59
Resolution: 1280×682
Also Known As: The Big Racket
Download File – IGR1976-UA-720p-2shake.rar

Format: AVi | Size: 36 MB | Duration: 01:25 | Resolution: 688×384 | Also Known As: The Big Racket
Download File – IGR1976-UA-2shake.rar