Rape Scenes from mainstream movies only. Our collection of videos will surely put you in the right mood.

Tag: 2006 Page 4 of 7

Sora Aoi, Sexy Teacher (2006)

Robin Tunney, Open Window (2006)

Shauna McLean, Unknown Actresses, Red Ridge (2006)

Innocent young womens are being kidnapped and forced into sexual slavery and prostitution.

Kseniya Rappoport, La Sconosciuta (2006)

Mariah Teixeira, Hermila Guedes, Dira Paes, Baixio das Bestas (2006)

Madeleine Wade, Blood Ranch (2006)

The rape scene… not very graphic, but still kinda creepy. But the victim disappears for the rest of the film! What, was she raped to death or something?

Naomi Taylor, Rollin’ with the Nines (2006)

Drug dealer roughs up the sister of a man he just killed, demanding she pay her dead brother’s debt. When the sister refuses to be intimidated, the drug dealer beats her up and rapes her. Sorry about the dual-audio voice over. Unfortunately, the only copy I could find came with the audio this way. I let the scene run past the actual rape, because I really liked the way the actress looked after being devastated.

Jan Anderson, Halloween Night (2006)

Unknown Actresses, I’ll Be There with You (2006)

Guy spending sometime with his ex-gf decides he wants to hook up again. She doesn’t want to so he overpowers her and rapes her on bed. Meanwhile the guys uncle has some women captured and gives her some anal rape on bed as well. Sadly our date rape victim wakes up and stops it midway.

Christina Ricci, Black Snake Moan (2006)

Young girl gets messed up off of some pills and alcohol and decides to play stripe down football with the guys. She starts to get sick and tries to leave but one of the guys goes for one last touchdown.

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