Rape Scenes from mainstream movies only. Our collection of videos will surely put you in the right mood.

Tag: 2004 Page 3 of 5

Michelle Boback, Torched (2004)

Pretty young nurse is attacked with a stun baton and raped by a masked intruder.

Ekaterina Yudina, Voditel dlya Very (2004)

Amanda Renberg, Hip Hip Hora! (2004)

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A passed-out girl at a party is photographed in various compromising positions by a bunch of boys.

Reagan Gomez-Preston, Never Die Alone (2004)

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Luka Omoto, Silentium (2004)

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Chloe Russell, Suspect Zero (2004)

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Valeria Bruni Tedeschi (Bruni-Tedeschi), 5×2 (2004)

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Newly-divorced couple goes to a hotel room to have ‘break-up’ sex. Ex-wife suddenly decides she doesn’t want to anymore. Ex-husband suddenly decides to press the issue.

Deborah Dutch, Heather Taylor, Kerri Taylor, Isabelle Stephen, Debbie D, Sica Bosma, Elena Kagan, Kill the Scream Queen (2004)

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A sadist lures fledgeling actress to his den of horrors, promising them fame if they act in his “snuff film.” They realize only after they are tied up that he really means to torture, rape, and kill them for all to see.

Renee Sloan, Lauren Palac, Christina Holsinger, Unknown Actresses, Murder-Set-Pieces (2004)

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Unknown Actress, Jiangbao Bubble Heaven 38f (2004)

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