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Tag: 1997

Patricia Arquette in Lost Highway (1997)

Patricia Arquette in Lost Highway (1997)
LH1997-PA-2shake.avi_snapshot_01.02_[2013.02.14_13.26.11] LH1997-PA-2shake.avi_snapshot_01.24_[2013.02.14_13.26.21]

The Wax Mask (1997)

Romina Mondello and Valery Valmond in The Wax Mask (1997)
TWM1997-RM-2shake.avi_snapshot_00.40_[2013.02.11_15.25.55] TWM1997-RM-2shake.avi_snapshot_01.15_[2013.02.11_15.26.00]

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