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Tag: 1984

Unknown Actress, Hakui monogatari Midasu! (1984)


Fanny Cottencon and Berta Cabre, Fanny Pelopaja (1984)

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Married Berta is forced to strip at gunpoint by a corrupt policeman as a way of extracting information from her husband. But seeing as there was a similar pointless and nasty scene involving Fanny Cottencon earlier I think the message the director is trying to get across is that it is a way of satisfying his sadistic perversion in a way that won’t be a burden on his conscience. (The director I mean.)

Ginger Lynn in Jailhouse Girls (1984)

Ginger Lynn in Jailhouse Girls (1984)
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Fanny Pelopaja (1984)

Fanny Pelopaja (1984)
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Rasputin – Orgien am Zarenhof (1984)

Rasputin – Orgien am Zarenhof (1984)
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La Mujer Del Juez (1984)

Unknown Actress in La Mujer Del Juez (1984)
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