Tag Archives: 1981 - Page 5

Maureen McCormick in Texas Lightning (1981)

Maureen McCormick in Texas Lightning (1981)
TL1981-MM-2shake.avi_snapshot_00.02_[2013.02.18_15.22.11] TL1981-MM-2shake.avi_snapshot_00.46_[2013.02.18_15.21.53]
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Fruits of Passion (1981)

Isabelle Illiers and Arielle Dombasle in Fruits of Passion (1981)

In this classic scene, Kinski gives Isabelle a lesson in BJs with a flaccid dick as the instructing tool, so to speak.

FOP1981-II.AD-2shake.avi_snapshot_00.37_[2013.02.09_19.18.06] FOP1981-II.AD-2shake.avi_snapshot_01.46_[2013.02.09_19.18.16]
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