Just Rape Her

Rape Scenes from mainstream movies only. Our collection of videos will surely put you in the right mood.

Unknown Actress, Mord in Aschberg (2014)

MIA2014-UA-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_00.13_[2015.05.23_17.56.56] MIA2014-UA-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_00.26_[2015.05.23_17.57.16]

Unknown Actresses in Mad Foxes (1982)

MF1982-UA-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_00.15_[2015.05.23_17.53.44] MF1982-UA-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_00.22_[2015.05.23_17.53.48]

Colosseum of Lust

COL-2shake.mp4_snapshot_01.13_[2016.03.10_14.29.28] COL-2shake.mp4_snapshot_01.21_[2016.03.10_14.29.38]
3D Animation. Based on some WoW chars female goatwoman princess gets captured and raped by some Orcs. Quality a bit less than these guys prior works but still worth a look.

Jailbait (2013)

J2013-FULL-2shake.avi_snapshot_00.03.12_[2016.03.12_10.52.45] J2013-FULL-2shake.avi_snapshot_00.19.31_[2016.03.12_10.52.55]
Typical kinda of Women in Prison film. Contains lots of typical women in prison stuff like lesbian sex, full nude shower, cavity inspections and a attempted rape. Recommend for fans of these type of film.

Unknown Actress, This Is England ’90 (TV Mini-Series 2015)

TIE902015-UA-S01E02-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_01.03_[2016.01.30_14.09.33] TIE902015-UA-S01E02-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_01.27_[2016.01.30_14.09.54]
Woman spends the night partying with some guys doing drugs. When she starts to pass out they all decide to have a turn with her .

Unknown Actress, How he raped me 3

HHRM3-UA-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_00.20_[2016.03.10_14.25.31] HHRM3-UA-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_00.38_[2016.03.10_14.25.42]
Woman lured on internet to house where guys drug her and then toss her in bedroom and take turns raping her

Clemence Thioly , Colette (2013)

C2013-CT-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_00.35_[2015.05.23_13.49.49] C2013-CT-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_03.57_[2015.05.23_13.50.18]

[3D Hentai] Lara in Trouble [UNCENSORED]

3DH-LIT-U-720p-FULL-2shake.mkv_snapshot_00.41_[2016.03.12_10.45.38] 3DH-LIT-U-720p-FULL-2shake.mkv_snapshot_02.23_[2016.03.12_10.45.45]
3D Animation that uses the story from the Tomb Raider game that leads up to Lara getting captured and raped. Less technical than there 2nd film but better rape feel to me.

Unknown Actress, Poison Of Desire (2014)

POD2014-UA-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_04.45_[2015.05.21_20.04.44] POD2014-UA-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_05.12_[2015.05.21_20.04.48]

Kat de Lieva, Evangeline (2013)

E2013-KDL-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_00.09_[2016.03.10_14.20.53] E2013-KDL-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_03.36_[2016.03.10_14.20.18]
Sorta of a Crow wannabe movie about college girl who gets murdered by some frat guys, brought back to life by a demon, then gets picked up by some hicks who plan to sell her. She manages to escape only to run up to a serial murder/rapist. You can tell this was a feminist director lol. Anyways he rapes her a bit before the demon fully takes over and she kills him. Some quick gore

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