Just Rape Her

Rape Scenes from mainstream movies only. Our collection of videos will surely put you in the right mood.

Nadia Fares, Storm Warning (2007)

SW2007-NF-2shake.mp4_snapshot_00.17_[2016.03.12_23.20.19] SW2007-NF-2shake.mp4_snapshot_01.24_[2016.03.12_23.20.35]
Rare uncut version! Woman knows she must sleep with crazy guy in order to kill him.

Hailee Steinfeld, The Keeping Room (2014)

TKR2014-HS-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_00.04_[2016.03.31_21.15.12] TKR2014-HS-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_01.45_[2016.03.31_21.15.21]
Set in Civil War era USA, three southern woman must defend there house from rowdy Union soldiers. Pretty Hailee Steinfield gets it from the soldier briefly before he sadly gets shot from behind.

May Kelly, George and Louise

GAL-MK-1080p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_00.34_[2016.05.17_10.29.48] GAL-MK-1080p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_01.29_[2016.05.17_10.29.33]
Short film about woman who stops a date rape. Too bad about that, but guy does get some action first. A British interpretation of a section of the 1991 film ‘Thelma and Louise’.

Unknown Actresses in La maison des filles perdues (1974)

LMDFP1974-UA-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_01.32_[2015.05.24_13.18.13] LMDFP1974-UA-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_03.05_[2015.05.24_13.18.20]

Kristina Korsholm, The Killing of a Danish Swan (2011)

TKOADS2011-KK-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_00.56_[2016.03.10_15.03.36] TKOADS2011-KK-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_01.09_[2016.03.10_15.03.43]
Women enters bathroom and mysterious man comes in and rapes her good.

Ivana Mihic, Mehanizam (2000)

M2000-IM-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_01.32_[2016.01.30_15.03.30] M2000-IM-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_01.37_[2016.01.30_15.05.01]
A young female taken hostage by bad guy. He rapes her hard in car.

Debra Cassano, Injun (2013)

I2013-DC-2shake.mp4_snapshot_01.28_[2016.05.17_10.12.42] I2013-DC-2shake.mp4_snapshot_04.14_[2016.05.17_10.13.15]
Story about a white woman who lives with some Native Americans. Some escaped criminals come to their cabin and shoot them up but decide to leave her alive for some rape. Low budget but actress is pretty and solid acting. Some nice nude bound views too.

Unknown Actress, Evil Dead Trap (1988)

EDT1988-UA-2shake.mp4_snapshot_00.36_[2016.03.12_23.16.12] EDT1988-UA-2shake.mp4_snapshot_03.32_[2016.03.12_23.16.37]
Female camerawoman is raped crazy guy.

Julia Kijowska, Milosc (2012)

M2012-JK-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_02.31_[2016.03.31_21.12.34] M2012-JK-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_03.28_[2016.03.31_21.12.53]
Pregnant married woman who the local mayor is in love with. He can’t wait any longer and pays her a visit and rapes her in the bedroom. She sorta reminds me of a older Scarlett Johansson.

Unknown Actress, Das Frauenhaus (1977)

DF1977-UA-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_00.11_[2015.05.23_18.22.03] DF1977-UA-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_00.43_[2015.05.23_18.21.27]

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