Just Rape Her

Rape Scenes from mainstream movies only. Our collection of videos will surely put you in the right mood.

Ana de Armas, Exposed (2016)

E2016-ADA-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_00.41_[2016.03.31_21.38.00] E2016-ADA-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_00.58_[2016.03.31_21.38.08]
Nice looking woman walking the subways gets attacked and raped. Kinda of dark but good acting and nice thrusts. I heard this movie was very cut/edited so this scene may be longer but not sure.

Unknown Actress, Revenge of the Green Dragons (2014)

ROTGD2014-UA-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_00.28_[2016.03.11_11.55.30] ROTGD2014-UA-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_01.13_[2016.03.11_11.55.40]
Asian gangs in NY. Gang members break into rival gang members house and rape the mom and daughter.

Marie Denarnaud, Une histoire banale (2014)

UM26-UA-2shake.mp4_snapshot_00.54_[2016.05.17_10.50.11] UM26-UA-2shake.mp4_snapshot_01.35_[2016.05.17_10.50.17]
Not sure what movie this is from. Seems to be European maybe. Anyways, woman gets ride home from date and he wants to go inside. She declines, but as she is going in her home he comes up behind and rapes her.

Darlanne Fluegel and Elizabeth McGovern, Once Upon a Time in America (1984)

OUATIA1984-DF-EM-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_00.15_[2015.05.24_13.35.37] OUATIA1984-DF-EM-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_00.30_[2015.05.24_13.35.46]

Unknown Actress, Pet Sematary II (1992)

PSII1992-UA-2shake.mp4_snapshot_00.11_[2016.03.12_23.27.36] PSII1992-UA-2shake.mp4_snapshot_00.20_[2016.03.12_23.27.48]
Still looking for full unedited version but this gives the basic idea of scene…

Irena Miliankova, Pod prikritie (TV Series)

PPS01E05-IM-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_00.16_[2016.07.18_21.32.19] PPS01E05-IM-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_00.24_[2016.07.18_21.32.38]

Emy, Dead Bait (2016)

DB2016-E-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_01.10_[2016.03.31_21.33.16] DB2016-E-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_02.17_[2016.03.31_21.33.23]
Sunbather who gets attacked and takes some revenge. Pretty graphic and does contain some violence/snuff

Ophelia Rain, Milfs vs. Zombies (2015)

MVZ2015-OR-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_00.55_[2016.05.17_10.45.41] MVZ2015-OR-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_01.24_[2016.05.17_10.45.52]
Woman gets raped by zombie in this scene. Better than usual for this type of movie.

Eva Repikova, Den sedmy – osma noc (1964)

DSON1964-ER-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_00.52_[2015.05.24_13.30.12] DSON1964-ER-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_01.09_[2015.05.24_13.30.18]

Rosamund Pike, Return to Sender (2015)

RTS2015-RP-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_02.03_[2016.03.10_15.31.58] RTS2015-RP-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_02.33_[2016.03.10_15.32.20]
Women who gets ready for blind date. Sadly for her wrong guy shows up and won’t leave till he gets some. Well acted and good struggle… just could have been bit longer during rape and might have been a classic.

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