Just Rape Her

Rape Scenes from mainstream movies only. Our collection of videos will surely put you in the right mood.

Alba Ribas, The Corpse of Anna Fritz (2015)

TCOAF2015-AR-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_04.37_[2016.05.17_11.17.26] TCOAF2015-AR-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_06.17_[2016.05.17_11.17.32]
A famous Spanish actress has died and perv morgue guy invites his friends over to fondle her body. Few of the guys decides to have sex with her. However while one guy is raping her dead body she awakes… I normally dislike any necrophilia or unconscious rape scenes, but since she awakes I like her facial expressions and some good thrusting.

Anne-Claire Thiessen, Arven (2003)

A2003-ACT-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_00.30_[2015.05.24_13.47.03] A2003-ACT-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_00.40_[2015.05.24_13.47.19]

Unknown Actresses, Unknown Movie

UM14-UA-01-2shake.mp4_snapshot_02.04_[2016.03.12_23.37.26] UM14-UA-01-2shake.mp4_snapshot_02.27_[2016.03.12_23.37.31]
Rapist who rapes women around his apartment building…

Stephanie Marie Capeling, Margarita Giliadov, Madison Crocker, Kingdom Come (2014)

KC2014-SMC-MG-MC-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_00.26_[2016.03.11_12.01.22] KC2014-SMC-MG-MC-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_00.28_[2016.03.11_12.01.25]
Bad guys trapped in abandoned hospital. Black guy who raped and murdered women get confronted by the ghosts of the women he killed and we see flashbacks of him raping them. Does contain some minor snuff and gore we he gets it as well.

Stella Maeve, The Magicians (TV Series)

TMS01E13-SM-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_01.06_[2016.05.17_11.53.33] TMS01E13-SM-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_01.17_[2016.05.17_11.53.41]

Lisette Pagler, Akta manniskor (TV Series 2012- )

AM2012S01E07-UA-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_00.22_[2015.05.24_13.39.00] AM2012S01E07-UA-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_01.08_[2015.05.24_13.40.35]

Katelyn Pearce, Gone by Dawn (2016)

GBD2016-KP-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_01.10_[2016.03.31_21.42.05] GBD2016-KP-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_02.02_[2016.03.31_21.42.21]
Boss of a strip club invites his newest stripper to spend some time with a important friend of his. Friend decides he wants sex with her and she refuses. They both decide to rape her. First the friend from behind on a desk and then they tie her to a weight lifting machine for more fun. Acting is not the best in the world but girl is pretty and great scene overall.

Samantha Jones, Broken Youth (2013)

BY2013-SJ-2shake.mp4_snapshot_00.56_[2016.03.12_23.35.15] BY2013-SJ-2shake.mp4_snapshot_01.13_[2016.03.12_23.35.30]
Short clip of a play where bf breaks in ex gf house and rapes her.

Vanessa Viola, Lake Dead (2007)

LD2007-VV-2shake.mkv_snapshot_00.15_[2016.05.17_12.06.48] LD2007-VV-2shake.mkv_snapshot_00.44_[2016.05.17_12.06.56]
City women go up to secluded lake area and get attacked by redneck family. Girl here gets bent over tree and raped.

Unknown Actress, Narcos (TV Series 2015- )

N2015-UA-01-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_00.39_[2016.01.30_15.21.50] N2015-UA-01-720p-2shake.mp4_snapshot_00.42_[2016.01.30_15.22.40]
Female informant decides to infiltrate drug dealers hide out. She knows she has to have sex with disgusting guard. She is found out and they strip her naked and rape her. Sadly not much focus on the rape part and once it gets going police guys save her.

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