Just Rape Her

Rape Scenes from mainstream movies only. Our collection of videos will surely put you in the right mood.

Taimanin Yukikaze, Episode 1

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Hentai anime light censor. Ninja girl goes undercover on a mission and must have sex with huge fat guy.

Unknown Actress, Suskunlar (2012)

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Unknown Actresses, The Touch Of Her Flesh (1967)

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Berta Vazquez, Palm Trees in the Snow (2015)

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Kate del Castillo, Portia Doubleday, K-11 (2012)

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This is a strange one. Rich guy gets sent to prison for homosexuals and transsexuals. From there is typical prison type film. However they chose woman actress to play roles of the transexuals. In first scene women tricks corrupt prison guard into raping her and then turns on intercom so he gets caught. Lots of thrusting. Up to the viewer how they want to view this scene. In second one, women is getting close to new bunkmate but big black guy comes in for some action. She trys to tell him she has HIV but he has none of it and rapes her. Mostly offscreen sadly.

Isild Le Besco, Sade (2000)

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Maggie Wagner, Hate Crime (2012)

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Chantel Giacalone, The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations (2009)

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Lisa Baker, Hot Summer in the City (1976)

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Sissy Toumasi, Miss Violence (2013)

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A multiple violent rape of the teenage daughter

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