Just Rape Her

Rape Scenes from mainstream movies only. Our collection of videos will surely put you in the right mood.

Kate del Castillo, Duenos del Paraiso (TV Series)

Spanish soap opera rape. Surprisingly long and graphic for a soap opera. Wife of drug lord gets captured in her home by rival gang who want info on her husband. She won’t talk so they have to bend her over table and rape it outta her.

Unknown Actress, Contracted (2013)

Woman gets drink spiked and raped in car.

Cyd Schulte, Jamielyn Kane, Jesselynn Desmond, The Hood Has Eyez (2007)

Sadistic gangsters violently raped and humiliated 3 young girls

Unknown Actress, Ggotip (1996)

Sophie Lowe, Autumn Blood (2013)

Virgin woman gets raped by woodsman. Than she gets raped in the house, but most is off screen this time.

Marla Sucharetza, Unknown Actress, Whore 2 (1994)

Sadly it is still the cut version but still gives ya the main rape. 2 whores get raped by crazed clients.

Rene Bond and Serena, Fantasm (1976)

Emily Bennett, Summer Bills, Stephanie Grote, House of the Witchdoctor (2013)

Escaped prisoners take two couples hostage and rape the women. Also rape a prostitute in front of her pimp/bf. Good movie! Multiple rapes in the house including a hot redhead!

Unknown Actress, Damga (1984)

Sandra Cassell, Lucy Grantham, The Last House on the Left (1972)

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