Just Rape Her

Rape Scenes from mainstream movies only. Our collection of videos will surely put you in the right mood.

Unknown Actresses, Barang terlarang (1987)

Dina Meyer, Lethal Seduction (2015)

Junko Miyashita, Ako Nakamura, Akai kami no onna (1979)

Two working class truck-drivers decide to have a little fun with the boss’ bratty daughter.

Christina Chong, Of Kings and Prophets (TV Series 2015–2016)

Katie Aselton, Black Rock (2012)

Insecure young woman on a camping trip with her friends has been leading on one of the hunters they meet while hiking through the woods. When she tries to keep him from going too far, though, things quickly get out of hand.

Meredyth Herold, Michele Valley, Singapore sling: O anthropos pou agapise ena ptoma (1990)

Naomi Watts, Shut In (2016)

Sallee Young, Demented (1980)

A woman is gang-raped in a horse’s stable.

Angel Tompkins, The Teacher (1974)

Clara Hopf, Una donna chiamata Apache (1976)

Very short clip. Old West degenerates have gunned down a U.S. Cavalryman and his Apache ladyfriend. They rape the dying girl while the soldier’s body goes floating down the river.

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