Just Rape Her

Rape Scenes from mainstream movies only. Our collection of videos will surely put you in the right mood.

Catherine Deneuve, Belle de Jour (1967)

Frustrated French housewife is too busy fantasizing about being degraded like a filthy whore to have vanilla sex with her mild-mannered doctor husband.

Unknown Actresses, Vengeance (1980)

Judy Geeson, 10 Rillington Place (1971)

Trusted, kindly old retired doctor (and secret serial rapist-murder) helps a young woman terminate an unwanted pregnancy… in his own special way.

Vira Montes, American Me (1992)

Mexican-American girl is gang raped by White-American sailors and servicemen during the infamous Zoot Suit Riots of Los Angeles during World War II. Brutal rape scene, decent film.

Pollyanna McIntosh, The Woman (2011)

Naomi Harris, Accused (TV Series 2010- )

Drunk white Daddy can’t get visions of naughty black Mommy cheating on him out of his head. Daddy decides to rape the living fuck out of Mommy. Cute bi-racial daughter walks in at the end.

Elizabeth Hartman, A Patch of Blue (1965)

Poor blind girl tries to convince the guy she likes that she is not just some dumb virgin… by recounting the time she was raped by one of her mom’s drunken lovers.

Candace Smith, Christine Carter, My Father Die (2016)

Rebecca Night, Fanny Hill (TV Mini-Series 2007- )

Sage Mears, 6 Guns (Video 2010)

Old West outlaw and his men force a retired sheriff to watch as they give his pretty wife a good seeing to

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