Frances is based on the true life story of hollywood actress Frances Farmer, Frances is played by Jessica Lange in the movie. Frances Farmer apparently liked to acted a little crazy some time and this “forced” her poor parents to put her in a mental institution. While in the mental institution the guards pimped her out to army and navy boys for extra cash according to Frances.
In this scene Frances is held down on the floor by two guards spread eagle style while a young military boy takes his turn between her sweet actress legs while his friends cheer him on. The cheering in this scene reminds me of the accused. Short but great rape scene!
Format: MKV
Size: 49 MB
Duration: 01:01
Resolution: 720×480
Download File – F1982-JL-2shake.rar
Hi , in what minute of the movie is the scene?
Sorry, I do not remember it…