Rape Scenes from mainstream movies only. Our collection of videos will surely put you in the right mood.

Category: Violence Page 18 of 26

Oka Giner, Senora Acero (TV Series 2014– )

Lucia Silva, Senora Acero (TV Series 2014- )

Stunning actress Lucia Silva is a victim of a brutal home invasion by a sleazy guy with a knife, while at the same time her boyfriend can only listen helplessly on the phone as it is happening. The utter misogyny of this program puts all US offerings to shame.

Carolina Miranda, Senora Acero (TV Series 2014– )

The shocking part is great, but there’s so much more, so this one takes the award. The best thing about this show is they cast the cutest women to be their torture victims. Beautiful series star Carolina Miranda is interrogated, beaten, twice shocked with electricity, then as a bonus gets threatened with a blow torch in a nice long scene before she unfortunately turns the tables on him.

Various actresses in Gefangene Frauen (1980)

Gaby Espino, Senora Acero (TV Series 2014– )

Stacey Walker, A Smell of Honey, a Swallow of Brine (1966)

Elena Velikanova, Vanechka (2007)

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Unknown Actress, Blazhennaya (2008)

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Stephanie Schildknecht, One Last Look (2012)

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Unknown Actresses, Slaughterhouse 2: Prelude (2013)

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Rare “found footage” brazilian film about serial killer who stalks teens at party.

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