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Category: Slave Auction

Tally Chanel, Warrior Queen (1987)

Renata Moar, Unknown Actresses, Salo o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (1975)

In World War II Italy, four fascist libertines round up nine adolescent boys and girls and subject them to one hundred and twenty days of physical, mental and sexual torture.

Unknown Actresses, Promised Land (2004)

Story of a group of young unwitting Estonian girls smuggled through Egypt to be auctioned off as prostitutes in Israel.

Raquel Evans in Orgasmo caliente (1981)

Raquel Evans in Orgasmo caliente (1981)
OC1981-RE-2shake.avi_snapshot_00.55_[2015.01.29_12.15.54] OC1981-RE-2shake.avi_snapshot_03.05_[2015.01.29_12.16.04]

Daniele Troeger, Karine Gambier, Erika Cool & Unknown in Esclaves Sexuellessur Catalogue (1977)

Daniele Troeger, Karine Gambier, Erika Cool & Unknown in Esclaves Sexuellessur Catalogue (1977)
ESC1977-DT-KG-EC-UA-01-2shake.avi_snapshot_01.39_[2015.01.26_16.58.07] ESC1977-DT-KG-EC-UA-01-2shake.avi_snapshot_02.58_[2015.01.26_16.58.12]

Auction: Slave Market, Unknown Actresses

Auction: Slave Market, Unknown Actresses
ASM-UA-2shake.avi_snapshot_01.05_[2015.01.26_16.45.41] ASM-UA-2shake.avi_snapshot_01.46_[2015.01.26_16.46.16]

Laura Gemser in Emanuelle and the white slave trade (1978)

Laura Gemser in Emanuelle and the white slave trade (1978)
EATWST1978-LG-2shake.AVI_snapshot_02.32_[2015.01.26_16.42.42] EATWST1978-LG-2shake.AVI_snapshot_03.43_[2015.01.26_16.42.46]

Unknown Actresses in Glimpse (2000)

Unknown Actresses in Glimpse (2000)
G2000-UA-2shake.avi_snapshot_00.19_[2015.01.24_12.41.55] G2000-UA-2shake.avi_snapshot_01.32_[2015.01.24_12.41.59]

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