Rape Scenes from mainstream movies only. Our collection of videos will surely put you in the right mood.

Category: Rope Page 31 of 34

Maura Murphy, 9 Days (2013)

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Alanna Forte, Natasha Blasick, Playing with Dolls (2015)

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A serial killer is purposely released from an asylum for the criminally insane so that he can continue his rampage.

Brigitte Bako, Dark Tide (1994)

DT1994-BB-2shake.mkv_snapshot_01.23_[2016.05.03_14.16.18] DT1994-BB-2shake.mkv_snapshot_01.32_[2016.05.03_14.16.23]

Unknown Actress, Vault of Terror

VOT-UA-2shake.mp4_snapshot_03.50_[2016.02.16_21.25.51] VOT-UA-2shake.mp4_snapshot_10.05_[2016.02.16_21.25.55]
This was supposed to be a low budget sequel to Maniac the horror/slasher movie. Movie fell apart but producer decided to release the rapes scenes alone edited together. So you watch a black guy stalk about 5-6 diff women and rape each of them. Over 45 mins total!

Miranda Wilson, The Great Ecstasy of Robert Carmichael (2005)

TGEORC2005-MW-2shake.mkv_snapshot_03.35_[2016.03.24_21.46.09] TGEORC2005-MW-2shake.mkv_snapshot_05.32_[2016.03.24_21.46.22]
3 teenage burglars gang-rape a woman (including orally and anally) while making her husband watch.

Lana Clarkson, Dawn Dunlap, Barbarian Queen (1985)

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Margaux Hemingway, Lipstick (1976)

L1976-MH-2shake.mkv_snapshot_02.02_[2016.03.24_15.16.13] L1976-MH-2shake.mkv_snapshot_03.56_[2016.03.24_15.16.22]
Composer brutally rapes a fashion model…

Blythe Auffarth, The Girl Next Door (2007)

TGND2007-BA-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_00.06_[2016.03.23_20.40.57] TGND2007-BA-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_04.37_[2016.03.23_20.41.31]
A teenage girl is being kept in the basement and abused by her foster family. Her teenage foster brother is disrobing, humiliating and threatening her. Later he finally raping her. He does it doggy-style, while she’s tied to the bed and gagged, in front of an approving audience of family and neighbours.

Unknown Actress, Cycle Vixens (1978)

CV1978-UA-2shake.mkv_snapshot_00.08_[2016.02.23_17.53.37] CV1978-UA-2shake.mkv_snapshot_02.07_[2016.02.23_17.53.28]

Unknown Actresses, August Underground’s Penance (2007)

AUP2007-UA-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_02.06_[2015.05.23_13.46.41] AUP2007-UA-720p-2shake.mkv_snapshot_06.35_[2015.05.23_13.46.52]

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