Rape Scenes from mainstream movies only. Our collection of videos will surely put you in the right mood.

Category: Rape Attempt Page 17 of 25

Sabrina Siani, Unknown Actress, Anno 2020 – I gladiatori del futuro (1982)

Mary E. Zilba, L.A. Wars (1994)

Sofia Del Tuffo, Luciferina (2018)

Weird scene of a girl being raped by the devil, but turns sort of consensual.

Christina Applegate, Streets (1990)

Young L.A. prostitute, who shoots heroin to get through the day, sells sex just to survive, and eats roadkill sometimes when there isn’t anything else available. Into this futile existence is thrown a psycho killer, who gets off on raping and slaughtering the girls he catches on the streets.

Maria Rojo, Candy Stripe Nurses (1974)

Vanessa Alves, Volupia de Mulher (1984)

An old josser rapes a girl

Jennifer Jason Leigh, Girls of the White Orchid (1983)

Unknown Actresses, Wong gok ma cheung (1992)

Unknown Actresses, The Fabulous Bastard from Chicago (1969)

Unknown Actresses, Senora Acero (TV Series 2014– )

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