The lass let the representative of the large company into her house. This was the way at least this ebony-skinned guy in business suit introduced himself. But the negro attacked the gal and tore apart her dress right in the living room. The blonde screaming ran to her room towards the second floor to her bedroom, but she didn’t have enough time to lock the door, when the colored pushed her on the bed and having climbed out of clothing, got on her from above, starting to violate her white young and tender body.
Category: Forced to Strip Page 39 of 95
A guy with his girlfriend moved to the wooden house on the lake by the forest. It was all quiet and good there, except for local population that were extremely unpleased with new forester that interfered with their plans. To punish him, they broke into their house at night, and having blown guy on the head with bottle, knocked one out. And having taken his young wife then, they raped her on their marriage bed threesome, while he was lounging on the floor out like a light.